Seriously, Heathrow. Seriously.
We need to have a talk.
You are not nearly as charming as I remember you. Then again, I was 15 the last time I saw you. Young and foolish, perhaps my bright-eyed enthusiasm about my first trip to Europe clouded the fact that you are an absolute crap place to hang out.
You don't have a nice comfy place for weary travelers to rest while they wait for their gate to be posted. This is especially annoying when your gate has not been posted. ::ahem::
You force your security personnel to wear the most horrible green and black polyster shirt creation I have ever seen. Is that why they're so slow? Is it a work slow-down in protest of bad clothes? They're so slow that you felt the need to hang a sign asking people to not attack them. No "threats, verbal assaults, or violence." There's a story there, I'm sure. Or maybe several. Have you looked at the airport in the mirror lately and asked "What can I do to prevent people from flying at my employees in a blind rage?" I doubt it.
Also, you charged me .20 GBP extra to "eat in" instead of "take away" my almond croissant.
And to add insult to injury, your bathrooms are way below par.
Ugh, Heathrow Terminal 4. Ugh.
Oh geez! Darn you Heathrow. Glad to hear you got there safely, can't wait to read more of your adventures and travels!!!!
I second that- I have been in Heathrow twice. The first time I missed my connecting flight due to 1) it not being posted properly; 2) them closing the boarding doors 30 minutes early; and 3) difficult to navigate Heathrow airport. When I arrived to the gate 30 minutes before my plane was scheduled to depart and found the doors closed, I was told to "stop having an attitude" by the not so lovely and rather attitudey himself airline steward. Heathrow then proceed to loose my bags and I spent my first few days in Brussels without clothes, soap, toothbrush, etc. And was told every morning by the airlines to not leave my flat bc my luggage would be arriving within the next few hours. (hence me not leaving to go and buy supplies.)
My way back from Brussels was through the dreaded Heathrow again, where we were evacuated from the Terminal due to a fire inside the aiport!
Note to self and Hayes girls- go through Gatwick
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