Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Watching Sabrina in my Bangkok hotel room...

Globalization is truly an amazing thing. I'll admit that I'm usually on the side of "local! local! local!," and if I have the option I'd rather shop in a homegrown store than in Walmart. But, after 36 hours of non-stop travel, I am truly happy to see Bogie and Audrey Hepburn on the screen. Hooray for globalization!

Today's Recap:

Miles traveled - 9542.5
Airline meals eaten - 3
Pairs of Ipod earphones broken - 1
Pairs of earphones purchased - 1

Today's Highlight: "Etiquette Bells" at Incheon Airport

These lovely buttony things are in every bathroom stall at Incheon International Aiport. At first glance, I thought perhaps they were little alarms or something a la the "help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" lady. But no. So much better. They make a flushing sound to mask, I guess, any embarrassing sounds that may emanate from one's stall. I hit it out of curiosity (I swear!) and it makes such a fake sound - like the bubbling brook sound on my nature sounds alarm clock. Hilarious.


GlinkaGirl said...

I think they need to bring those buttons state-side. What a funny idea.

MPH said...

Remember, what happens in phat pong stays in phat pong. Unless the WHO has to get involved. Then you'll be on CNN. Have fun!

Courtney said...

Cara!!! Best blog ever, I miss you! Have fun in Bangladesh.. I am bragging about you to my coworkers. Keep posting, xoxo